All Encompassing Media Solutions

Making it simple & affordable for your business to stand out.

Website Design

Orbicular Media can bridge the gap between businesses and customers by establishing an online presence with a modern website. The central hub for all online activity should be your website. This is where you can control how content is distributed to your intended audience. No matter what changes occur with social media formats, your website is the consistent resource of information.

Graphic Design

A bold company logo can help your business be noticed online and in print. Graphic design services by Orbicular Media include branding, logo design, business cards and letterhead, flyers and brochures, clothing graphics, package design, etc… I can provide you with a design for your business, event, or product that you will be proud to share.

Photography Services

I specialize in photographing sporting events and capturing images for media usage. I am currently an Official Photographer for the Macon Mayhem Hockey Club. My photos are used for game summaries, marketing media, video board graphics, and more.


Adjective | or·bic·u·lar | ȯr-ˈbi-kyə-lər -Circular or Sphereical.


noun | me·dia | ˈmē-dē-ə -a medium of cultivation, conveyance, or expression.